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Reliability and Validity of the ITERS-3

The ITERS-3 is a revision of the widely used and documented Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, Revised and Updated (ITERS-R; 2006), one in a family of instruments designed to assess the overall quality of early childhood programs. Together, these scales have been used in major research projects in the United States, as well as in a number of other countries. With only few exceptions (Sabol & Pianta, 2014), extensive
research conducted in the United States has documented the reliability and validity of scores on the Environment Rating Scales through studies that show relations to other measures of quality and to children’s concurrent and longer-term cognitive, language, and social-emotional outcomes.


- Introduction
- Development
- Overview of the Subscales and     Items
- Reliability and Validity
- Additional Notes
- Supplementary Materials
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